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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Education and growth
by (3285 reads)
Question & AnswerI think…that the true esotericist searches by himself and for himself. The true initiate knows well that no ‘earthly’ answers can be ‘conclusive’. …I am my only master and I don’t acknowledge any others. Freemasonry is a solitary, egoistic and personal path, free from dogmas; therefore nobody has anything to teach to anybody. Is it possible that the Master must be killed to let the value of his teaching live?

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Question&Answer > The supreme paradox of the initiatory path
by (3064 reads)
Question & Answer… it is what I call ‘to become king of oneself’, to be in the universal balance up to the point of seeing by oneself the ‘Law’, becoming accuser, judge, gaoler and even executioner of oneself if necessary, with mercy as well as equity. Only this represents the true dimension of a free Man and only a free man has ‘freedom’ of choice. But it is a long road and not for many.

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Question&Answer > The metastases of counter-initiation
by (4131 reads)
Question & AnswerThe color black, chaos, life…the path starts from its death… but isn’t black the start of the work?

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Question&Answer > Wolves disguised as lambs
by (2906 reads)
Question & AnswerSo, who sees the true Light? The pure at heart, I would say. Of course we all think we belong to this category. Or don’t we?

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Question&Answer > ‘There isn’t a better Christian than the Languedoc Christian’
by (3242 reads)
Question & AnswerI think that ‘Christ’ is a universal symbol, an operative model; can each of us be ‘a Christ’?

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Question&Answer > Questions about Freemasonry
by (3022 reads)
Question & AnswerWhat is Freemasonry? What are the goals of Freemasonry? Who can belong to Freemasonry? Is Freemasonry a secret association? Can Freemasonry be considered a religion? To my knowledge there are a ‘female’ and a ‘male’ Freemasonry; is this because the rites are different for men and women? Can Freemasonry be considered the same as a political party? Do Masonic Lodges commit sacrilegious acts? What are the reasons for such a hostile attitude from the Roman Church towards Freemasonry, which we don’t see in any other creed?

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Question&Answer > Union with the Fire
by (2657 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Three specifics of the initiatory path
by (2219 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > Doubts and certainties
by (2115 reads)
Question & Answer

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Question&Answer > UniversalFreemasonry Ability to do – Power to do – Will to do
by (2832 reads)
Question & Answer

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176 Stories (18 Pages, 10 Per Page)
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