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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Art & Esotericism

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Art&Esotericism > We shall see
by (4503 reads)
Art & EsotericismWe go to search for Sacred Signs.
We go carefully and In silence.

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Art&Esotericism > The Light of Asia
by (4379 reads)
Art & EsotericismA small part of the splendid lore which broke from Buddha’s lips: I am a late-come scribe who love the Master and his love of men, and tell this legend, knowing he was wise, but have not wit to speak beyond the books; and time hath blurred their script and ancient sense, which once was new and mighty, moving all.

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Art&Esotericism > Roerich's far quest for Beauty
by (4560 reads)
Art & EsotericismThe greatest tribute of our time to an individual living artist, we are told, is the proposed erection of a new home for the Roerich Museum in New York City, a $2,000,000 studio apartment building on Riverside Drive, to house the growing treasures created or collected by Nicholas Roerich, who, to quote a recent criticism, "has been termed, quite justly, the foremost living Russian painter."

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Art&Esotericism > Use_of_languages The Beauty in the eyes
by (4736 reads)
Art & EsotericismAn objective truth or reality (Kant’s ding an sich) is based on three requirements: Fairness, Beauty and Harmony. The architectonics of the Idea originates from this One but Trine order. And only the Idea expresses the rest.

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Art&Esotericism > Considerations and self-criticism
by (4553 reads)
Art & EsotericismTalent, when present, appears in a rough and not precious form at first. For this reason it is recognizable only by people gifted with a particular sensitiveness able to identify it, like dogs with truffles. To make it grow we need practice and self-criticism. Here we have three categories.

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Art&Esotericism > The sense of vision in the hermetic poetry of William Blake
by (8821 reads)
Art & EsotericismUntil not long ago, William Blake was considered a great visionary poet as well as an eccentric rebel. Literary critics agreed in finding in his poetry the thread that joined him to the great English romantic poets such as Byron, Shelley and Keats; this made Blake a pre-romantic forerunner or even one of the first exponents of this current. After all, it was a time when poets started a journey that would lead to the enclosure of the Ego in one’s own inner lyricism. A nonconformist lifestyle and the paroxysm of certain visions didn’t stir any sensation; emphasis was normality and the reflection of the spirit of the time, surely not an exception. Nevertheless, in the twentieth century a parallel – rather than alternative - interpretation started developing; it saw in the Blakean poetry not only the germs of the ‘poetizing self’ that would flourish in the nineteenth century, but also a reference to suggestions belonging to the world of arcane.

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Art&Esotericism > Use_of_languages Use of the pictorial language
by (4883 reads)
Art & EsotericismWith the progress of literal languages, the meanings of ideograms (symbols-thoughts) were forgotten and symbols became silent. All that was left was their exterior forms, whose meanings remained within the principles of initiatory science.

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Art&Esotericism > Education to see
by (4692 reads)
Art & EsotericismI don’t believe into supremacy of the knowledge belonging to the old times. I recognize that some of ‘Them’ were able to point out paths whose accesses (mind and conscience) would be difficult to find today, because of the pile of ideologies covering them. The sequence of development of knowledge advanced with time, developing the original ideas, enriching them with new details and multiplying their relations. In actual fact they were made bigger and deeper. Generally speaking, though, we can’t deny the extraordinary ability of the human being to get ‘mixed up’ in his own words.

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Art&Esotericism > Analysis of the «creative fever»
by (5557 reads)
Art & Esotericism

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Art&Esotericism > Dante and the Fedeli d'Amore
by (7575 reads)
Art & EsotericismThe "Fedeli d'Amore" hid the principle of their soul in the shape of a woman.

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