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Doubts and certainties
Topic:Question & Answer
Question & Answer

Doubts and certainties

« … fools are full of certainties, whilst intelligent people are full of doubts; I have refrained from nurturing certainties, facing a work full of doubts on myself …»

Doubts and certainties

Q: « … fools are full of certainties, whilst intelligent people are full of doubts; I have refrained from nurturing certainties, facing a work full of doubts on myself …»

A: Such a bold statement seems like pessimism. Perhaps it is better to say that doubts spawn curiosity and the latter pushes the intelligence to find new (or old) solutions. Whilst the fool believes (credulousness) the intelligent man wants to understand by developing the ability to assess (discrimination)

What is eventually understood becomes a fund of certainties, although relative ones; it illuminates us and it can be transmitted to other people; this gives them as many precious little illuminations.

Q: … talking about the top of the initiatory mountain, viz the apex of the inner wisdom, it is written: «…everyone tries to reach ‘the top’ with their own means… the good mason can’t believe he will reach perfection, the top, because it is very likely that the top doesn’t exist, but there is only a growth in the attempt to perfect oneself…»

A: Statistically a peak of human intelligence exists. Maybe it undergoes transformations because it is in motion, but it exists. It is sufficient to count in the history of man (between east and west) the examples of highest scientific, artistic, philosophic, political and religious creativity; compare them to the common mediocrity and then add at the bottom of the list great examples of negativity and rashness of scientific, artistic, philosophic, political and religious creativity.

This observation generates a scale in which all of us, if gifted with critical sense, can recognize ourselves, finding our own place in the human classification. Though it is difficult not to cheat in this game.

I believe that the peak to climb is our own. We must ascend to our potentialities, even the latent ones. We must judge with honesty and sense of responsibility if we have done our best to better ourselves by developing our virtues. We must wonder, then, if we are really able to understand and want; that is if we know the huge difference between ‘free choice’ and ‘free will’. We must ask ourselves if we are really able to discriminate the reality from imagination, looking away from the world of illusions where humanity sleeps; if we have annulled original habits and vices (metallic transmutation) changing the ‘lead’ into ‘gold’ (thoughts and feelings) of our profane being. If we are clean from the profane transfers and imprinting of the family and the group of national culture, race and popular religions.

There is a top, then. But before we establish the top of humanity, we must try and reach the top of our inner mountain first.

Esonet Editorial Staff

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