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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Esotericism Reading

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Esotericism_Reading > The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering
by (8210 reads)
Esotericism Reading
He is so absorbed in his mission that his striving carries him over all obstacles upon the wings of success.

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Esotericism_Reading > Happiness, the negation of suffering
by (5449 reads)
Esotericism Reading
Happiness consists of serving the deliverance of the humankind.

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Esotericism_Reading > Suffering in the initiatory Teaching
by (5214 reads)
Esotericism Reading
An oriental Master used to teach: "happiness originates from the abandonment of desire". Since unhappiness is the result of ignorance and it creates errors, we can say that suffering is the result of ignorance; on the contrary, happiness is the result of Wisdom.

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Esotericism_Reading > Esoteric_education The path that leads to the initiatory Mastery
by (3629 reads)
Esotericism ReadingThe path that leads to the initiatory Mastery is a path of wisdom. And, as we know, wisdom originates from "knowledge".

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Esotericism_Reading > Esoteric_education New Era
by (3792 reads)
Esotericism ReadingWe have entered the 3rd Millennium accompanied by very meaningful signals; one of them involves the spreading of the initiatory education. The method of service of the new era, which is always directed to the benefit of the humankind, remains focused on the Restoration of the Ancient Mysteries.

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Esotericism_Reading > The wind of the idea
by (4616 reads)
Esotericism ReadingRather than following something or someone, we should learn to feel the ‘spirit of the idea’.

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Esotericism_Reading > The Great Work and the New Era
by (3377 reads)
Esotericism ReadingThe New Era, or Age of Aquarius, is not only the result of an astral conjunction, as many believe, but it is the accomplishment of a new and higher general state of conscience (collective consciousness).

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Esotericism_Reading > Learn in order to understand
by (3368 reads)
Esotericism ReadingFor the neophytes it is quite common to anticipate times, rushing to plan ‘the roof’ of their ‘philosophical abode’ without building sound foundations and ‘right and perfect’ perimeter walls first. This inconsistency occurs also when a mind still ‘reasonably limited’ is directed towards the use of intuition.

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Esotericism_Reading > The initiation to women’s cults in the Mysteries of the ancient world /3
by (3805 reads)
Esotericism ReadingSo far we have talked more about what happened in the Greater Mysteries, neglecting the Lesser Mysteries, mentioning only that perhaps initiates had to stand four tests connected to the elements. A glimmer of light is offered us by the beautiful story of Cupid and Psyche, contained in Apuleius’ Golden Ass.

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Esotericism_Reading > The initiation to women’s cults in the Mysteries of the ancient world /2
by (8089 reads)
Esotericism ReadingLet’s now examine some images found in the Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii, which was used for the initiation of women to Dionysus’ Mysteries. These images will help us study further what we have talked about so far.

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