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Esotericism_Reading > Communication is the art of building
by (3109 reads)
Esotericism ReadingCommunication is the art of building images that reflect ideas. We must not make the mistake of trying to ‘bring the sky on earth’, rather than us going up towards it, otherwise we risk the ‘old evil’ of making ideas profane.

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Esotericism_Reading > Use_of_languages The confusion of minor languages
by (3457 reads)
Esotericism Reading‘Restoring’ the originality of initiatory topics, extracting them from ‘doctrinal confusion’ and ‘philosophical conflicts’ of minor traditions, means being able to ‘travel backwards’ towards the world of causes, neglecting the world of effects. This is the journey that the researcher must complete.

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Esotericism_Reading > Love and Death
by (3359 reads)
Esotericism ReadingLove is always a beginning, whilst death is the accomplishment of an instant. It is a goal but also a life phenomenon that produces the ‘change’. It is a transformation against which we often fight without any other meaning but the fear to get lost.

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Esotericism_Reading > Eclecticism against the ties of sciolism
by (4372 reads)
Esotericism ReadingEverybody knows the limits of sciolism and the advantages of eclecticism in the field of research. Without involving initiatory and spiritual eclecticism, the intellectual one is a philosophical method that consists of welcoming and reconciling theories of different systems that express the same topic, consciously structuring them with the purpose of widening the idea at the basis of the different theories or interpretations.

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Esotericism_Reading > Symbols hide, don’t reveal!
by (3243 reads)
Esotericism Reading...here we are again talking about method. Indeed, only method can guarantee the quality of research.

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Esotericism_Reading > Guenon, bishop of the Gnostic church
by (4047 reads)
Esotericism ReadingI will quote hereafter some extracts from an article written by a Giuseppe Cosco, which has been submitted to me as a ‘condemnation’ (!) and which I will use as a starting point to express some thoughts on the figure of René Guenon.

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Esotericism_Reading > Energetic vampirism and mediumism
by (3354 reads)
Esotericism ReadingBy energetic vampirism we mean the phenomenon carried out by disembodied entities, known as elementary entities, which live on the lower astral plane. The first people responsible for allowing the unmerciful survival of certain entities in this limbo are mediums and operators of lower psychism.

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Esotericism_Reading > How to find the world of spiritual thought
by (3589 reads)
Esotericism ReadingEnthusiasm is an appreciable virtue, especially when it is accompanied by sincerity in the intentions. Sincerity is what matters. With sincerity we can do almost anything. Any mistake is acceptable if it is made with sincerity. What is not acceptable is the arrogance of false scholars. It is essential not to stop asking questions. By joining enthusiasm with patience we can get anywhere we wish.

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Esotericism_Reading > On Thought-Forms
by (3855 reads)
Esotericism ReadingIn this article we will talk about the elusive and paradoxical entities known as ‘Thought-forms’. Science can’t deal with them because they can’t be the object of experimental verification and it is not possible to deal with this topic from a purely intellectual point of view. Only the people who carry out a radical work on themselves can ask themselves if thought-forms really exist. We will analyze the relation between thought-forms, ‘subtle’ bodies of man and prime Matter of the Alchemists; we will talk about the nature of maggots, shells and other invisible entities that man can feed or even equip with their own life through his psychic energies and finally, we will deal with the thought-forms created by a community of men, which are called Eggregore.

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Esotericism_Reading > On the symbolic meaning of some tarot cards
by (4204 reads)
Esotericism ReadingAfter a short introduction to the history and mythological origins of the Tarot, we will briefly discuss the alchemic meaning of some cards of the Major arcana: the Magician, the Fool, the Lovers and Death.

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