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Esotericism_Reading > Birth, Life, Death. Basic considerations on initiation
by (4010 reads)
Esotericism ReadingBirth, Life, Death, Three great initiations – To grow means to initiate oneself – Elitist, social and edonist initiations: three dimensions where to grow – Psycho-synthesis, approach to a modern initiatory praxis – The Principle of Self-Initiation – The Principle of Diorism – Conclusive aspects – Appendix: Three theories on death. Pirandello wrote that exams never end in life. It follows that trials don’t end either, until the last great initiation of ‘physical death’ comes. To find in life the true initiatory path makes the concept of initiation extremely wide and refined; it eventually develops through three degrees: birth, life and death of the interpreter. For many doctrines they are definitive passages, whilst according to the initiatory Doctrine to be born, to live and to die are apparent states of the same journey that in materiality keep repeating themselves up to the complete physical manifestation of the subtle conscience.

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Esotericism_Reading > False transmutation
by (4052 reads)
Esotericism ReadingThe ‘bad masters’ are the ‘fake initiates’ which we must recognize in order to avoid them. The difference between a ‘piper’ and an initiate is the same between illusion, dream and reality. But the followers of the ‘pipers’ are not always victims. Certainly some of them can’t distinguish between true and false; it is also true that many people don’t want to see this distinction.

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Esotericism_Reading > Klossowski: delirium as a result of the Nietzschean thought
by (3807 reads)
Esotericism ReadingPierre Klossowski, the elder brother of the famous painter Balthus, has always been one of the most elusive and suggestive figures of the French culture of the sixties and seventies. Klossowski’s work escapes any disciplinary framing; the Jamesonian definition of ‘theory’ can be used to define it, even more than Foucault’s work. Klossowski studied literature, philosophy and painting; his Nietzschean reading is influenced by the atheological impulses of Bataille, but without the existential tension that fills the ideas of the latter.

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Esotericism_Reading > Why Gods return
by (3666 reads)
Esotericism ReadingUntil the beginning of the fifteenth century the theological thought was very close to the Western esoteric tradition. During the fifteenth century an epistemological break occurs; theology embraces Aristotelian thought and Scholasticism, cosmology (intended as science of second causes) becomes a prerogative of esoterists of the Renaissance in the Medicean Florence. Theology loses forever its incommensurable heritage of symbols, Mythologems and archetypes.

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Esotericism_Reading > Genesis and evolution of the theosophical current in the European culture
by (4547 reads)
Esotericism ReadingTheosophy has often been associated with the almost homonym Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky, H. S. Olcott and Besant. Contrary to popular belief, though, theosophy is a current of the European esotericism that originated from Paracelsianism; it developed mainly, but not only, in Germanic countries. Although theosophists elaborated heterogeneous and varied systems, they shared some benchmarks. In this article the author intends to present the development of Christian theosophy at the debut of the T. S.

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Esotericism_Reading > New Esonet Project
by (7826 reads)
Esotericism ReadingThe Esonet Project originated from the idea of a Tree of small knowledge able to lead esotericism back to the condition of intellectualism necessary to bring back the principles of initiatory science.We knew the symbolic meaning of the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. The former was the metaphor of intellectual development, whilst the latter represented inner research.

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Esotericism_Reading > The Sense of Life, the sense of Existence
by (3411 reads)
Esotericism ReadingFloods of words have been spent on the sense of life. I will only spare a few drops, to say that the sense of life doesn't exist....

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Esotericism_Reading > Modern Occultism between Éliphas Lévi and Aleister Crowley
by (7671 reads)
Esotericism ReadingApparently the French term occultisme was used for the first time by Éliphas Lévi; apart from the nominal problem, though, the tradition of ‘occult sciences' has its roots at the beginning of Christianity. Previous to Lévi's neologism there wasn't a clear distinction, even terminological, with what Guénon later defined the domain of ‘esotericism' or ‘initiation'....

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Esotericism_Reading > Considerations on the mysticism of essence and on the Carmelite mysticism
by (3747 reads)
Esotericism ReadingWhen we talk about Christian mysticism we must first of all draw a distinction. There are two different issues: one is the ‘mysticism of essence’, the Rhine-Flemish mysticism founded on the deep integration of the divine inside the soul. Another issue is the so-called ‘mysticism of feeling’, where the divine You is considered in a nuptial relation with the soul...

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Esotericism_Reading > Solomon’s scales of justice
by (5603 reads)
Esotericism ReadingBefore we study a symbol of ancient wisdom, we should consider that it is not easy to establish exactly who created it first. The study is even more difficult if we consider that every symbol of ancient wisdom is layered with exoteric implications given by the ‘formal meanings’ added during the time after their creation. These implications are characterized by the promiscuous uses of exoteric cultures that have hidden the original meaning of the symbol. Therefore the Adept knows too well that the symbol is not an image of culture but the clue of an old idea.

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