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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Esotericism_Reading > : Comments on Initiation
by (3638 reads)
Esotericism ReadingFor the initiate, Initiation has a unique meaning and purpose; it originates from a unique source and brings always the same results.

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Esotericism_Reading > : The seven Knots of Love
by (4215 reads)
Esotericism ReadingQ: ‘...the rope, like the chain, usually represented the unity and separation and it was consecrated... (omission) ...For the Pharaonic Wisdom, a magic knot is a point of convergence of forces, which join the divine to the human world.'

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Esotericism_Reading > : Gratitude
by (3340 reads)
Esotericism ReadingIt is said: "How wondrous is gratitude! It kindles so easily the fire of the heart, it fills the spirit with nobility. One should especially develop gratitude because gratitude is the sister of loyalty".

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Esotericism_Reading > : Intellectual Autarchy
by (3273 reads)
Esotericism ReadingEverybody must be free to choose what he thinks is the best source of information. Because the ‘lone’ search is subjective and cannot have any kind of imposition from the outside.

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Esotericism_Reading > : Alchemies of mediocrity
by (2926 reads)
Esotericism ReadingExcept for historically extraordinary cases, which are therefore out of question, the proliferation of initiatory (!) – so to speak - Orders and pseudo-orders, factions, fractions and compartments, is due, in my opinion, to two main elements.

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Question&Answer > : Brotherhood and liberticide
by (3048 reads)
Question & AnswerDearest A., I won’t be present at your conferences!....But I absolutely cannot be present at a public conference that deals with those topics; or rather, at the conference organized by any other individual Brother, Lodge or Jurisdiction of my Obedience. In such a context, you will understand how the participation at a conference held by a Brother of ‘another’ (?????) Obedience is not even an option...

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Question&Answer > : Work and Recreation of the Initiate
by (3167 reads)
Question & AnswerBut what does the ... ‘meal break’ have to do with the Work in the Temple?

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Freemasonry > : Initiatory illiteracy
by (4897 reads)
Whenever I am asked the reason of the existential impasse of Freemasonry, I answer that it is because ‘today we have plenty of words but very few ideas’.
Guenon rightly wrote that Freemasonry is the only Institution in the West able to transmit initiations. But time goes by and Freemasonry today is affected by ‘three bad fellows, which are overshadowing its principles of existence. They are the choices on proselytism, role reversal and initiatory illiteracy.

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Question&Answer > : Distinguishing between virtual representation and reality
by (3663 reads)
Question & AnswerDear Athos, I must confess that I have often wondered where the Initiates were and are inside Freemasonry. I won’t deny that I feel like having a long sleep, but my ‘thirst’ is just as big, therefore, armed with patience, I continue my journey waiting to find the fountain where I could quench my thirst...I often wondered what real initiation was, I thought that before being initiated you must ‘Die’ and that the aspirant doesn’t ‘die’ only once. Perhaps the first ‘Death’ can be as heavy as a burden and as dark as the deepest night, then a tiny light breaks the darkness; the burden becomes as light as a feather and ‘Death’ is sweet and bright... P.

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Freemasonry > : Art and Ars Regia
by (5035 reads)
FreemasonryWhilst reading the text that a Br. Wrote, I found the following statement: '...Perhaps this is why Royal Art is an art rather than a DIY handicraft...'; I am quoting it to show how sometimes, quite superficially, misguiding comments are based on errors of interpretation (based on personal opinion, rather than on the cross-check of definite references, which is the common practice for an esoteric researcher); these comments create doubts rather than light.

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