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 | Inconsistency of virtual initiations |
... what I think, but that is my opinion, is that a true initiatory organization should never refuse the initiation to those who prove to be spiritually suitable to receive it only because they cannot afford the enrolment and a monthly fee that is beyond their possibilities. Not all initiatory organizations are the same. Fortunately there are some, in my experience, which are within everyone’s reach, rich and poor.
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 | Imago Templi / 6.20 |
The Number Ten, Harmony and the achievement of the complete state of ‘Being’.
With this paragraph we enter the 3rd Level of interpretation, that of Initiate Master Builder.
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 | The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 |
Ars Muratoria describes in detail the ‘geometry’ of a method and its instruments. These instruments hide the virtues of the Initiate’s Psyche in the allegory.
On the contrary of what we think, it is necessary to refuse and disown the exoteric isolation of the High ritual Chambers and to understand the invisible connections of the initiatory activities through which Esoteric Philosophy joins in the Scottish Pyramid the commitment of initiates of different levels and abilities.
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 | The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 |
Ars Muratoria describes in detail the ‘geometry’ of a method and its instruments. These instruments hide the virtues of the Initiate’s Psyche in the allegory.
When in the evolution of the Human Kingdom the air element of the thought got in contact with the fire element of the spirit, an aqueous and voluble element appeared in the lower levels of the mind; it still accompanies Personality up to its complete individualization. |
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 | Anamnesis of the inner reawakening |
... I wonder if being an initiate represents the "sine qua non" condition... or isn't it enough to have a pure and simple love for knowledge, beyond any material interest.
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 | The Sound of the Matter |
«Energy is motion and since matter is energy itself, it moves as well, and by moving it sings.» |
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 | By recognizing you will be recognized |
Q: It has been said that the rule ‘By recognizing you will be recognized’... ‘must be understood for what it is, not for what we would like to see in it’...and also that ‘in the initiatory field we never choose, but we are always chosen’. These two statements appear to be in contrast...is it possible to tear the veil and let a better understanding come through? |
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 | Initiation, hammers and chisels |
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 | Words and dreams on the initiatory Path |
This article has been inspired by the impulses that often tie up candidates in the fondness for their ideals. The ideal, then, assumes the characteristics of a Totem. Therefore the totemic vision is the most common deceit of the candidate, who is left alone to direct his emotional impulses; in actual fact he keeps vivifying his personal self, gratifying it in its convictions. |
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 | The tower of Babel of languages |
Ways, you know, are endless. They’re as many as mind’s languages and interpretations.
All of them can be useful, but only a few are actually real. So we have to tell the real things from their images. An attraction or sympathy are not enough for a reflection to come true
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 | Union with the Fire |
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 | The cause of Karma is imperfection and its goal is to correct it |
Imperfection exists because the constitutions of great spiritual realities, which can be found in a deformed shape in every phenomenon, are involved in the processes of evolutionary development of material manifestation. Until the spiritual entities that dominate every apparition will reach the stage of the «sublime control» on the substance of its material forms, men won’t be able to aspire to perfection. |
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