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| Inconsistency of virtual initiations |
... what I think, but that is my opinion, is that a true initiatory organization should never refuse the initiation to those who prove to be spiritually suitable to receive it only because they cannot afford the enrolment and a monthly fee that is beyond their possibilities. Not all initiatory organizations are the same. Fortunately there are some, in my experience, which are within everyone’s reach, rich and poor.
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| Imago Templi / 6.20 |
The Number Ten, Harmony and the achievement of the complete state of ‘Being’.
With this paragraph we enter the 3rd Level of interpretation, that of Initiate Master Builder.
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| The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 |
Ars Muratoria describes in detail the ‘geometry’ of a method and its instruments. These instruments hide the virtues of the Initiate’s Psyche in the allegory.
On the contrary of what we think, it is necessary to refuse and disown the exoteric isolation of the High ritual Chambers and to understand the invisible connections of the initiatory activities through which Esoteric Philosophy joins in the Scottish Pyramid the commitment of initiates of different levels and abilities.
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| The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 |
Ars Muratoria describes in detail the ‘geometry’ of a method and its instruments. These instruments hide the virtues of the Initiate’s Psyche in the allegory.
When in the evolution of the Human Kingdom the air element of the thought got in contact with the fire element of the spirit, an aqueous and voluble element appeared in the lower levels of the mind; it still accompanies Personality up to its complete individualization. |
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| Anamnesis of the inner reawakening |
... I wonder if being an initiate represents the "sine qua non" condition... or isn't it enough to have a pure and simple love for knowledge, beyond any material interest.
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| The Study of Symbols |
‘...in order to achieve intuitiveness the use of symbols is necessary; indeed, every symbol offers the conscious eye the memory of the idea that was its foundation.’
Symbols are the external and visible forms of inner spiritual realities and the faculty to discover the occult reality of any specific form is by itself a sign of the reawakening of intuition.
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| Esotericism and alimentary praxis |
Esoterically the human being is made by mineral substance, animal substance, psychic substance and spiritual substance.
The nourishment that feeds the physical body contains characteristics and radiations of the birthplace that, once absorbed, stabilize in the cells and determine their organic-emotional characteristics.
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| The Great Book of Nature |
Once upon a time the expression ‘restoration of the ancient mysteries’ was coined to deal with the most precious topics relating to the so-called greater initiation.
The first Book that helps us to unravel the ‘initiatory mysteries’ is the Temple. It is a ‘symbolic theater’ where the dramas of the human soul are represented through ceremonial and ritual mysteries.
The following stage is the approach to the Great Book of Nature; the third is the Book of the Seven Seals. All together they make a method based on rules, which we might call the User Manual for life and existence.
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| Questions about Freemasonry |
What is Freemasonry? What are the goals of Freemasonry? Who can belong to Freemasonry? Is Freemasonry a secret association? Can Freemasonry be considered a religion? To my knowledge there are a ‘female’ and a ‘male’ Freemasonry; is this because the rites are different for men and women? Can Freemasonry be considered the same as a political party? Do Masonic Lodges commit sacrilegious acts? What are the reasons for such a hostile attitude from the Roman Church towards Freemasonry, which we don’t see in any other creed? |
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| Michel Foucault and the «death of man» |
Together with Deleuze, Michel Foucault has been the main exponent of the French studies on the Nietzsche-Renaissance that marked the start of post-structuralism. The word described a varied group of scholars coming from several disciplines, influenced by the linguistic structuralism of Saussurre and the anthropologic one of Lèvi Strauss. |
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| Sacredness of Numbers |
The meaning of every Arcanum is given by the body, the geometrical structure of the symbol, and from the soul, that is the Number. Therefore, for the researcher who wants to interpret the Symbols it is fundamental to understand the origin of Numbers. For this reason we present the introductory comment to the “Sacredness of Numbers” according to Virio. |
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| The exoteric Path and totemic religions |
Highlighting the conflict between the spiritual, inner and esoteric thesis and its exterior antithesis, viz. exterior and exoteric profane religions, we have found precisely, I think, the core of the apparent conflict between sacred and profane. These are two elements that, like two sides of the same coin, can coexist only if they are recognized for what they really are.
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