The Category includes articles that might belong to different Subjects (visualized by the icons) allowing you to find the corresponding articles in the whole site in one list.
In order to find a word in any published article, an internal search engine is available. To access it click on the link Search ; this is always visible in the Menu on all pages.
Any underlined word in the website is a link to another page of the site or inside the same page.
In the opening page, besides the Map of the site (represented by the icons of the subjects) you can find the latest seven articles published with a preview of the presentation (like in the image above).
To access the whole list with text preview, use the link Other Articles at the end of the list.
The list Articles Archive in the Utilities Menu visualizes all the articles published each month; it allows to visualize Category, and Title of publications.

For any question on the contents of the site you can contact Esonet's Staff using the link here represented or emailing the address: |
The Italian Esonet website can be accessed by clicking on the button pictured here. |

Both and websites belong to the Esonet Project (see the article).