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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Freemasonry

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / 6.4
by (5434 reads)
Freemasonry The Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem – Lucis Fratres: the Brothers of Light. Anno Domini 1400 – Code Book of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem – Code Book of the Knights Kadosh or ‘Kadeschim’ – Code of Kilwinning, Scottish Mother Lodge – Masonic and Royal Arch Codes – Codes of the Sovereign Princes Rose Cross and Knights of the Eagle and of the Pelican, mason Princes and the Codex Rosae Crucis – Manifest characteristics of the Templar Bro. and of the Rose Cross Bro.

In the 14th century two initiatives of the Rose Cross confraternity started out; they marked the re-emergence of Gnosis in the philosophical thought of the western hemisphere.

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Freemasonry > Freemasonry and Initiation
by (3064 reads)
FreemasonryFreemasonry is an initiatory oriented School of thought; but this detail doesn’t seem to interest all masons. After all, not even Churches manage to engage the interest of the devotional people towards a spiritual Principle that, paradoxically, is demonstrated only outside the official structures of its hierarchies. It follows that no good School can make a ‘good pupil’ if he doesn’t want to be one.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi /6.3
by (4243 reads)
FreemasonryThe birth of encoded language in the western sphere. Two important examples: the Runic Alphabet – The Greek Alphabet – A particular warning to the Lesser Adept – Of Metallic Transmutation, Three Dreams.

Druids, between myth and reality, are the western initiatory people that most contributed to the transmission of the Sacerdotal Mysteries connected to the Natural Magic and to the visible formation of what will be later called by the Initiates that followed: the Great Book of Nature.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi /6.2
by (3283 reads)
FreemasonryWe talked about Threshold of Initiation rather than Door; let’s try and understand why. In the Initiatory Schools it is taught that there isn’t a Door (obstacle) to Initiation; the only Door (obstacle) for the man who starts this journey is himself.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / Book VI
by (3540 reads)
FreemasonryThe Masonic System “rests” the geometry of its oblong and the meanings that it contains on the horizontal as well as on the vertical plane, on the Sephirotic Tree, also called Tree of Life.
Therefore I think it is appropriate, before starting dealing with this topic, to point out and explain the goals proposed by the Master Builders that handed down the Initiatory Path in the Temple.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi /5.6
by (4470 reads)
FreemasonryThe Sacred Geometry of the Ritual Fires, from the Great Master to the three Pillars of the Temple – the Ritual Stars of Great Mastery – The Geometry of Ritual Fires in the Masonic Lodge.

When a speculative graft, even pertinent to the Temple, was decided in an operative tradition, it was considered that because of its gravity and inertia the thought of certain men would attract the sense of the knowledge passed on to them towards the bottom. But at the same time it was certain that for the attraction towards the top of others, just for that knowledge, the Path that leads to the White Degrees of the Work would be ‘restored’.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi /5.5
by (2991 reads)
FreemasonryThis reading method is useful for the Eastern thought as well as for the Western one. Beyond their forms of expression and languages, certainly very different, what the Initiates intended to pass on to those peoples using those languages was identical in their purposes and substance.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi/ Book 5 - IV part
by (3564 reads)
FreemasonryThe qualities of the Logoi in the Menorah (Part 2) – The Four Keys for the interpretation of the Humankind / Method – The Four Castes in the Esoteric System and the Initiatory Rule

Continuing in our journey we find the qualities of the Planets and how they manifest themselves.
The first manifestation, from the point of view of the individual – which is an inverted version of the real aspect – is made of the Aspects that manifest themselves more visibly in man and that he can recognize around himself. Indeed, man is the unconscious cause of many effects in the five Kingdoms of Nature that surround him.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi/ Book 5 - III part
by (3900 reads)
FreemasonryThe qualities of the Logoi in the Menorah (Part 1) – ‘In the Form of the Symbol the Truth is revealed’ – The Monochord and the Harmony of the Spheres of the Pythagorean School.

The mind of man is not allowed to understand much of the (spiritual) qualities of the Seven Lives that rule the Solar System, represented in this great Luminary of the Temple. The reason is also that, as we have said before, every symbolism in the Temple is revealed by its exterior form, in the sense that it hides it twice.

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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi/ Book 5 - II part
by (4014 reads)
FreemasonryIn the Archaic and sacerdotal Traditions, the Children of Light are identified with Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus, the Sun and the Moon. Pythagoras taught his Disciples that: ‘The Forces are spiritual Entities, Gods that rule the sidereal sky, independently from how the Planets and the Matter are known and intended on Earth...’

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