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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 4 by (3093 reads) | Inner progress is determined by a series of identifications (I am this, I do this). The ability to distinguish them accelerates the process of growth; expressing many of them increases the chances to expand one’s conscience. Identifications develop around states of conscience which, once reached, must not be considered as the goal but rather the starting point for growth. The result of a growth shouldn’t be considered as fully satisfying, but a push to grow even more.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 3 by (3323 reads) | It is important to master languages because they are the means used to express thoughts. They must be considered as a living expression of man. Man’s identity, as we said before, is not in the body but in his thoughts and it is expressed through words or codes, symbols, artistic deeds, conventions or praxis.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 2 by (3289 reads) | «Know Thyself» was the warning written at the entrance of the Temple of Delphi. This is still a fundamentally important idea. The knowledge of ourselves starts with understanding what we think, what we think about ourselves and why.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From knowledge to mental liberation, stage 1 by (3180 reads) | The most insidious obstacles to inner development are those considered common and unavoidable. Getting used to live with our psychological deficiencies, such as fears or lack of confidence, causes us to underestimate these obstacles and therefore not to solve them.
Whilst we are busy looking for important doctrines, teachings and paradigms, small hurdles often stop our evolutionary process.
They shouldn’t be removed, viz. forgotten, but rather transformed through an alchemic process that uses will and intelligence. Through 15 stages we will try and understand the nature of some pebbles that stop the wheel of our progress.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Using dreams by (2904 reads) | « Prophets received ideas through dreams; the same happened to artists and scientists. Why not stop and consider this phenomenon, then?»
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Curiosity and magnetic attraction by (3308 reads) | “There are different ways of interpreting curiosity. Many people view it as a puerile and superficial behavior. A minority, on the other hand, believes that it is the spark that lights the mind, driving it towards new adventures. In actual fact they both exist. They originate from the different sensitivity of man and his ability to respond to the impulses of conscience.”
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Alchemy of a deep Love by (3228 reads) | “To distinguish the humid from the dry path - Feminine and masculine, two aspects of the brain - Alchemy of a deep love”
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy – Part 3 by (3159 reads) | Putrefaction - On the mortification of the Nine Senses - The fire in the Work - The purification of the sexual drive and its control
At the beginning of the work the necessary “Putrefaction”, symbolized in the Caput Corvi, in the work from Fulcanelli, must appear. “... it is necessary, first of all, that the body is dissolved, the Doors are open so that Nature can operate ...”
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy – Part 2 by (3211 reads) | Technique of the Inner Way.
The Unity of the Matter is the starting postulate of the old hermeticists. Modern nuclear physics and chemistry demonstrate it, when they make matters and products which were completely unknown; they also follow the old saying: “Omnia ab uno et in unum omnia”, viz. “all is in one and one is in all”. All things come from the same germ and they have all been generated by the same mother.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Spiritual_Alchemy Spiritual Alchemy – Part 1 by (4079 reads) | The Four Elementary Qualities - The Four Elements - The Three Principles of the Philosophers - The Two Metals of the Wise men - Chrysopeia or the Philosopher’s stone
Alchemy is the study of the Energy of the Matter. Spiritual Alchemy is the study of the Energy in the Form. The alchemist is the man who frees the energy from the matter.
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66 Stories (7 Pages, 10 Per Page)
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