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Alchemy_of_Fire > Between East and West. Pain and inner growth by (3760 reads) | Painful experiences can help revise our behaviors. If everything that hurts, grieves and scares us, therefore it repels us, than the escape from mistakes is a source of education.
In order to correct and educate ourselves we must develop intelligence and critical sense.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Mental totems by (3700 reads) | Collective idols are models culturally experienced and traditions socially shared.
The demolition of the cultural and ideological totems that keep man stuck in conformism and hypocrisy is strictly connected to the subject of purification and mental liberation.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > The Egg of Columbus and the initiatory path by (3516 reads) | Misunderstandings and misdeeds of a mind that lies – To want to fly – The Egg of Columbus of the initiatory path.
The best quality in man is the creative experience he has and he can transmit. It starts from the desire for knowledge, which is only partly satisfied by books; indeed, formal reading doesn’t reach the deep meanings of which we only perceive the presence (root meanings and archetypes). This limit is the boundary between learning and knowing, between abstract sciolism and direct experience, practice and experiment.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Man is what he knows and he becomes what he thinks (astral phantoms) by (3412 reads) | Man is thought and the thought is Man. This gives the postulate that ‘Man is what he knows and he becomes what he thinks.’
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Men who want ‘Wings’ by (4640 reads) | In the humankind we find three classes with different characteristics: a ‘grey majority’ prisoner of the impulses of the lower nature; a ‘variously colored minority’ that fights to free itself from them using the instruments of knowledge and historic memory; a ‘dark minority’ that uses superstition and ignorance to subject the masses. The various initiatory Schools apply this subdivision to represent the methods used by the ‘colored minorities’ to elaborate the strategies for their ‘liberation’. This is why different methods share the same goal: to transform oneself in order to be free from the bonds of materiality.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Dangers of devotion by (3299 reads) | The devotional aspect has stopped many aspirants from reaching valuable goals on the initiatory way. Many books published are not the work of Masters but a result of devotion. A Master doesn’t consider devotion as a virtue; on the contrary he values a strong sense of discipline (from which the word ‘disciple’ comes from), courage (in the continuous change), determination (in applying the method) and intelligence (‘intelligere’ is to look for the sense of every word, concept and teaching, without stopping at the literal sense).
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Alchemy_of_Fire > The Middle Way by (3918 reads) | The ‘Middle Way’ is an aphorism used to represent the ‘tension thread’ caused by the superior Self (Ego) to push the physical conscience (personal identity, transitory personality) to find its Unity in spiritual communion again. The unity is built by the link (Bridge of conscience) between the physical and metaphysical aspects of the real identity of the human being, expressing once more its perfect composition. It then overcomes the primitive conflict between ‘spirit and matter’.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > Physical and subtle identity by (3369 reads) | The mystery of life is to know who we really are; we can discover it by re-building our subtle identity.
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Alchemy_of_Fire > From reason to Pure Reason, evolutionary process of mind and conscience by (3322 reads) | The differences between reason and Pure reason have always intrigued intellectuals, originating discussions that led to a conclusion: reason and Pure reason are the start and finish of the same evolutionary process that involves mind and conscience. Mental development and expansion of conscience start in the reason, freeing themselves from the ties of the physical-animal nature. Therefore the conscious self (the rough Stone of the Masonic catechism) doesn’t recognize itself anymore in the instincts of the lower nature, which it tries and controls.
Crisis of the spiritual development by Roberto Assagioli
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Alchemy_of_Fire > How to purify body and mind – Part one by (3720 reads) | Purification is a recurring theme in philosophical, religious and scientific environments. It is presented in different ways, but the most common way of decontamination regards the lunar way. The passive perspective deals with contaminations a posteriori, viz. to recover damage that has already occurred. The solar way, which will be dealt with in the second part, will illustrate the active perspective. It recognizes that the increase of will and self-determination are the main means of human dimension.
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66 Stories (7 Pages, 10 Per Page)
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