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Freemasonry > Masonic_Instructions Operative Chains of Unification by (3662 reads) | We have learnt to build a Chain of Unification, a symbol present in the Masonic ritual that still today is conceived only physically and allegorically. Symbols are the external and visible forms of inner spiritual realities and this is also true for this symbol; the symbolic representation of the Chain of Unification (Chorda Fratres), veils the existence of real and operative Chains, relative to initiatory systems, that can have a different nature depending on which plane they work.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / 6.10 by (3328 reads) | The metaphysical Zero – The spiritual space
The concept of absolute zero or metaphysical zero as it was passed on to us by the Initiatory Tradition lies in the meaning entrusted to it, to symbolize inside itself the membrane that separates manifest from immanifest. The concept of transcendent.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / 6.9 by (4613 reads) | The Essential Numbers of the Masonic Work and the minimal rules of their Archaic Symbolism – The evolution of the art of Numbers in the Western school – Two procedures to reveal the ‘secret of a Number’.
When changing the language used so far and creating a more essential ‘form’, we should find an agreement on the minimal value to give the concepts we will find in those new aspects of number, symbol and sound.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / 6.8 by (2996 reads) | The three Thresholds of Initiation: Part 2 – The Creation of the Destiny of Man: disorientation, orientation and re-orientation of the Psyche – The Great Caduceus of the Scottish Rite
The Masonic Precepts are contained in a lesser Catechism that forms the body of the Lesser Mysteries and in a greater Catechism that refers to the body of the Greater Mysteries. The latter represent the third Threshold of Initiation. Lesser and Greater Mysteries have superimposable, therefore identical, purposes. The differences are the quality of terms and the different depth of thought in the same concepts.
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Freemasonry > Journey Great Work The Journey through the Great Work /2.3 by (3175 reads) | The constitution of Lesser and Greater languages in the esoteric Commentaries – Of the manipulation of the Teaching – Profanation of the Mysteries – ‘By recognizing you will be recognized’
All the elements through which the ‘relative’ comprehension of the ‘whole’ reality is developed are included in the teachings that are traditionally called esoteric Commentaries. Commentaries and Books of Truth, passed on through ordinary ways, have all been subjected to deep manipulations, because the exoteric hierarchies have always tried to demonstrate that they were their true representatives, reducing them up to the point of containing them within their authority.
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Freemasonry > Journey Great Work The Journey through the Great Work /2.2 by (2968 reads) | When it is said that man has reached the half light, it is a symbolic expression still in use in the initiatory psycho-drama, to say that he has reached with his own reason, a physical interpretation of a mysteric (viz. non common) view coming from the superior sphere of his own inner Hierarchy. Hermeticists and Rosicrucians refer to this inner Hierarchy of spiritual values.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / 6.7 by (4412 reads) | Esoteric reading of a Vedantine Symbol, the Cardiac Chakra seat of receptive intelligence.
The esotericist differs from the ordinary man because he doesn’t care for what appears, or as a container appears, be it a word, a concept or a symbol; least of all he embraces a biased ‘faith’; instead he tends to penetrate its synthetic and timeless substance (teaching), stripping it of the corruptible and changeable characteristics of the form with the changing of languages and interpretations.
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Freemasonry > Journey Great Work The Journey through the Great Work /2.1 by (3266 reads) | The constitution of the Lesser and the Greater languages in the esoteric Commentaries– Personality, Ego and Triad
It has been said, in every ancient country with the right to call itself civilized, an esoteric Doctrine, a system called Wisdom existed and those who devoted themselves to its study and its teaching were called Wise men. Pythagoras called this system Gnosis or Knowledge of things that exist.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi / 6.6 by (4776 reads) | The Sovereign Great General Inspectors, XXXIII and last degree of the A. A. S. R. – The Bilateral Alphabet from De Augmentis Scientiarum by Lord F. Bacon – The code book of the Kabbalah, plus a relevant aspect – The Saint Names of God and His Holy Graces – The secret Science of the Tannaim.
At the highest degree of White Masonry, the Initiatory Tradition still holds intact its Mysteries, jealously preserved by its Greater Adepts, which pass them on uniquely with the ‘mouth-ear’ method to those who, once reached that level, are able to make themselves known by demonstrating the possession of the Keys of Rule and Art; otherwise they will be invisible to the minds of the Lesser Adepts.
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Freemasonry > Imago_Templi Imago Templi /6.5 by (3119 reads) | Much has been said, often inappropriately, about the Templar initiation. However, I don’t think that the Brother mason, just because he has chosen to walk his path in that Institution rather than in another, can have any advantages from a perfunctory description of the "supposed", as experts call them, Mysteries of the Order of the Temple.
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