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Esonet.com-Selected Esotericism Readings: Alchemy of Fire

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Alchemy_of_Fire > The first occult center of initiation
by (3224 reads)
Alchemy of FireEastern tradition in its purest form teaches us to explore the highest levels of knowledge, starting with recognizing and realizing the inner reasons that can join mind and will for action. The reason of the aspirant is to start the first occult center of initiation, viz. the cardiac center. From here the process of energetic and emotional cleansing starts.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Cleansing the chakras
by (3740 reads)
Alchemy of FireDevotional traditions believe that mortification, repentance and prayer ‘purify' the taint of sin. Initiatory traditions rely on special procedures to ‘cleanse' the chakras and relieve the karmic negativities. This essay shows two methods to obtain the ‘inner laver'.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Eggregore and group consciences
by (2688 reads)
Alchemy of Fire

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Aura and universal conscience
by (2397 reads)
Alchemy of Fire

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Alchemy_of_Fire > About Aura Aura and service
by (3024 reads)
Alchemy of FireIn the prologue that introduces this subject we established the reasons for our research, aimed at reaching at least two goals. We intend to discover the potentiality of the conscience, in order to improve the latter through suitable methods; also to recognize our subtle identity by differentiating it from the material identity.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > About Aura Aura and Service to the Humankind - necessary preamble
by (2806 reads)
Alchemy of Fire

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Alchemy_of_Fire > The Way of the inner Master
by (2303 reads)
Alchemy of Fire

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Esoterical meaning of the Three Classes of Learning
by (3066 reads)
Alchemy of FireIt is a very delicate task to add notions to the ideas of a Master; I feel quite clearly the “karmic responsibility” of stating something in the name of the living Teaching. In order to “study” the subjects linked with the (real) Initiation, though, it is necessary “to add” new details all the time, but made up with ideas and not opinions.

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Mental Alchemy Aura. Hell and Heaven on Earth
by (3680 reads)
Alchemy of FireTo learn to know ourselves means to acknowledge that our own inner reality is not unique, but it is made of a complex of different aspects placed one inside the other, like chinese boxes. To discover them means to travel inside our identity, going through the different aspects of the physical substance, up to perceive the features of the metaphysical essence...

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Alchemy_of_Fire > Mental Alchemy From the aura of the universe to the individual aura
by (2996 reads)
Alchemy of Fire"what is above is what is below". No other precept could be more suitable to the argument of this essay, in which we illustrate the affinity between the great aura of the universe and the aura of man.

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