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------| Inconsistency of virtual initiations || Imago Templi / 6.20 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.2 || The Journey through the Great Work /3.1 || Anamnesis of the inner reawakening || Imago Templi / 6.19 || Imago Templi / 6.18 || Carry the Teaching to the crossroad! || The Warrior unchanged in joy and in suffering |------
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Hidden_History > : Short study on the Templar seal and motto
by (13102 reads)
Hidden History"Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam"

The motto expresses the note inspired by devotion, consistent with the Martian nature of the order, as we will see later, when studying the seal. The invocation doesn’t leave any doubts about the conceptual object at the center of one’s choice as affiliated, represented by the order; indeed the use of ‘us’ depersonalizes the individual and leaves room for a group conscience represented only by the Order.

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Question&Answer > : Free men of good report
by (3514 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: Now, granting the fact that the whole population of the globe has these requirements [they are free men of good report] ...

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Question&Answer > : Knowledge to face obstacles
by (3343 reads)
Question & AnswerQ: Sometimes it happens that some readings, instead of explaining, give a sense of discomfort for the quantity of words used to express one single confuse idea; this doesn’t mitigate the sense of inadequacy in order to progress in the development of one’s own conscience... so much that the ‘light’ seems to remain a dream.

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Freemasonry > : Comments on the Pyramidal Hierarchy
by (3668 reads)
FreemasonryThe subject of this work is the analysis of the pyramid symbol, which, in its apparent simplicity, is the synthesis of a wider concept linked to the idea of hierarchic order. An idea, or the symbol that represents it, is generally ‘personalized' through opinions and interpretations given by those who have lost the objective meaning of the idea itself.

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Question&Answer > : The lighting of the ritual Triangle
by (3863 reads)
Question & Answer…what is exactly a Masonic triangle?

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Eastern_Esotericism > : The chains of causation
by (5026 reads)
Eastern Esotericism ReadingThe Great Gotama gave to the world a complete Teaching of the perfect construction of life. Contemporary understanding of the community permits a wondrous bridge from Gotama Buddha up to the present time. We pronounce this formula neither for extolling nor for demeaning, but as an evident and immutable fact. The law of fearlessness, the law of the renunciation of property, the law of the evaluation of labor, the law of the dignity of human personality, beyond castes and outer distinctions, the law of true knowledge, the law of love based upon self-knowledge, make of the covenants of the Teachers a continuous rainbow of the joy of humanity.

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Esotericism_Reading > : Energetic vampirism and mediumism
by (3332 reads)
Esotericism ReadingBy energetic vampirism we mean the phenomenon carried out by disembodied entities, known as elementary entities, which live on the lower astral plane. The first people responsible for allowing the unmerciful survival of certain entities in this limbo are mediums and operators of lower psychism.

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Question&Answer > : Castel del Monte, an energy-point
by (3323 reads)
Question & AnswerQ : I cannot but confirm the impressions mentioned previously: i) As soon as I saw the shape of the octagon from the distance I stopped and stared at it for some time – totally attracted by something I cannot describe with words; ii) It is obvious that in eight centuries nobody has built anything nearby – the octagon stands out clearly and isolated; iii) The octagon has not been built as a living space, therefore it is not a castle, etc…; it is a Philosopher's Dwelling, a place non-place where one can be engrossed in meditation.

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Question&Answer > : Debts and credits of the ‘many ourselves’
by (3434 reads)
Question & AnswerThe fact that language can be complex and affected or simple and within the reach of people who don’t know Italian very well, is something that concerns knowledge, notions, school. In other words, it is at the level of brain and reason, whilst Knowledge and Wisdom can be found in people who can’t even read. There are many examples of illiterate Wise men. Doesn’t the use of an ‘educated language’ risk the exclusion of people on the basis of their knowledge of Italian?

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Science&Esotericism > : Odorigen and Jiva
by (5036 reads)
Science & EsotericismProfessor Yaeger of Stuttgart has made a very interesting study of the sense of smell. He starts from the fact well known in medical jurisprudence, that the blood of an animal when treated by sulphuric, or indeed by any other decomposing acid, smells like the animal itself to which it belongs...

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