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: Unknown truths
Topic:Question & Answer
Question & AnswerWhy the existence of a unique truth and a unique Hierarchy are not accompanied by a unique ‘practical’ teaching? What are differences caused by? Which is the most efficient and useful way to Serve in this painful season for the Humankind?

Unknown truths

Q: Now, thanks to your website, I am gathering information about the teachings of the Master D. K. published by Alice Bailey. For many aspects I find them consistent with the teachings learnt from the books by S.A. Weor’s (who supports ideas from ‘The fourth way’ by Ouspensky, from the Vedas, Aurobindo, etc.). With regards to the practices of inner death or destruction of the so-called ‘miasmas and fogs’ for the creation of the ‘central channel’, I find many differences.

Why, Mr. Altomonte, the existence of a unique truth and a unique Hierarchy are not accompanied by a unique ‘practical’ teaching? What are differences caused by?

Which is the most efficient and useful way to Serve in this painful season for the Humankind?

A: Dear Friend, you sound like a meticulous person, a moving mind rather than a still conscience. Before replying to your questions, though, I need to clarify two ideas.
First: in the earthly dimension there aren’t any Masters. Spiritual Masterhood is a stage of non-return; we need to accept this in order not to waste any time looking for what we will never find outside our conscience. In other words, every reason of spiritual wisdom is inside us.
Second: we are all aspirants, because the true Disciple is the soul. If we want to meet ‘the Master’ we must become Disciples. This is only possible if we join our physical identity with the identity of our soul. We must start by linking the personal self (physical conscience) with the superior Ego (super-consciousness or transpersonal conscience).

Although this is not the dimension of Master, there are explorers and travelers. The former are sectorial specialists, which means that they are not keen on abandoning the tracing of their enquiries (the safety of what they know). On the other hand, the travelers are willing to risk, questioning themselves and the unknown, in order to study several parts of knowledge.

The travelers are eternal ignorant wise men, because they dare abandoning the certainties in order to shed some light on the unknown. They start from the assumption that ‘if in the physical world the truth is relative, it is necessary to cross many mental territories before reaching a suitable vision of the whole’.

Among the most expert travelers you can find some good guides; this is the best you can wish on yourself when there aren’t any masters. But look out for braggarts, for the pedagogues that ‘offer’ their services. Don’t judge them using your mind (that lies) but with your heart, which can’t be deceived by words.
I think this is a necessary preamble to your questions.

Q: ‘Why, Mr. Altomonte, the existence of a unique truth and a unique Hierarchy are not accompanied by a unique ‘practical’ teaching? What are differences caused by?’

A: We have all suffered the confusion of different interpretations at some point. Inequalities involve all fields of reason, cultural, political and social ones. Their most perverted expressions are ideologies.

The main damages come from the distortion of initiatory and religious teachings, since they are vehicles of spirituality. Their contrasts are always due to men. It is necessary for the researcher to learn to defend himself from counterfeiting and mistakes, even when they are made in good faith or due to narrow-mindedness. They are poisonous fruits from which we must defend ourselves; in my opinion the only antidote is to build a conscious, critic and intelligent knowledge. We need an active mental structure rather than passive or a waiting attitude.
My motto would be move today and move always.
Now we need to talk about exceptions, which exist and need to be understood. They are not deceits but interpreting instruments.
First of all let’s consider that if several concepts, perhaps contrasting, come from the same point of view, then it is legitimate to think that something is wrong. If the same concept, though, is seen from different perspectives, the differences are justified.

For example, in order to spread an idea on different levels (low plane, physical-emotional; middle plane, reason; middle-high plane, intelligence; high plane, intellect) the same idea can be expressed through different points of conscience (chakras). By using the belly (emotional and passional plane) or the heart (plane of cognitive feeling) or the head (plane of reason and logic), the same idea is expressed in different ways.

If two faculties such as heart and mind join together, the same idea is expressed with intelligence, empathy or intuition, which blend and create the light called intuitive intelligence or knowledge by contact (with the soul).
The knowledge by contact (see) is the first true contact with the inner Master (see) and it occurs through the subtle conscience, which is the aura of the soul (see). At this point the argument becomes more articulate, but not difficult.

Considering the colors due to the different points of conscience (chakras), the different energies that resound from the word or that is emanated by the written text, sign or symbol, are crystallized ideas that reflect the tint of the feeling of the person who interpreted them.

The idea (synthesis) becomes thought (form), then word (sound) that passes the meaning (expression of the idea). By developing thoroughly the first concepts, we can notice another unmistakable element: the geometric character of the thought (harmony and balance in its form) turns the idea into a number.
Therefore many difference are due to:
the conscience of the divulger, focused on a certain point (chakra), because it can’t move on other positions (see specific functions of yogas) to build gradually a language more suited to the idea that must be expressed;

more often, though, it happens that the conscience of the divulger, focused on a certain point (chakra), in order to assimilate an idea leads it to the center, forcing it to take its colors more or less consciously.

Normally this is the problem that causes the difference of languages. Therefore the interpreter is sure that the sense of the idea is objectively what he perceives. In actual fact, what he understands takes a color from the observation made through a particular point of conscience (chakra).
It is as if every man looked at reality through the bottom of a bottle. Each of them has a different color that, at best, can be similar to another one.

Q: ‘…the practices of inner death or destruction of the so-called ‘miasmas and fogs’ for the creation of the ‘central channel’…’

A: To make your studies easier I can remind you that the answer to this question is widely dealt with in the section ‘Mental alchemy’. In particular, in the selection of essays called ‘From knowledge to mental liberation’ you will be able to find many answers about inner death and liberation.

In the same section of ‘mental alchemy’ you will find a range of essays about the aura, which is strictly linked to the building of the bridge and the ‘Service’ to be given to the Humankind. I must remind you, though, that before dealing with techniques (‘how to do it’), we are presenting the elements necessary for these practices. If the latter are carried out without method they can be dangerous and jeopardize the project of service.

by Athos A. Altomonte

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