1. When you talk about ‘major Initiation’ are you referring to
the one that characterizes the contact with the higher Ego, but there are as many
dominating ones?
2. The major Initiation is, so to speak, a sense of inner illumination or impersonal
intelligence, where we start perceiving the ability to understand the hidden sense
of things that before had only an exterior meaning to us.
3. What’s the difference between soul and superior Ego?
4. Are monad, spirit and Superior Self three synonyms that indicate the Divine
Spark in every individual?
5. What do you mean by ‘psychic phenomenon’ or ‘psychic event’?
6. Does a person keep his conscious individuality and intelligence after death?
I’ve read in a book that this isn’t true in the field of spiritism.
Therefore spiritism itself doesn’t make any sense. What’s the truth,
Question: When you talk about ‘major Initiation’
are you referring to the one that characterizes the contact with the superior
Ego, but there are as many dominating ones?
Answer: what from the bottom is seen and considered as the major
Initiation is in actual fact only the first one and it is not the last true initiation
of the physical conscience.
The previous stages, called first and second minor initiations, should be considered
as intermediate stages between the first absolute spiritual unconsciousness
(inner blindness) and ignorance of Self as immaterial entity made of pure thought,
and the first great ‘inner awakening’.
It is important to know that only after this first great awakening the true
initiatory journey starts. In other words, after undergoing a first preparatory
stage, the Initiate internally awoken carries on ‘consciously’ in
a progress of perfection that in degrees, or initiations, realizes a deeper
and deeper ‘Liberation’ from the ‘land’ of his physicality.
Every stage, degree or initiation occurs between the mind and the conscience
of the individual.
By progressing (growing inside) in these stages, stops or stations of conscience,
we aggregate in nuclei of ‘presence’ called ‘I’ in the
sense of ‘I am’ (egocentric and separating sense of feeling oneself)
or Ego in the sense of ‘we are’ (impersonal and inclusive conscience).
The real Bridge or Antahkarana is the allegory of the line of conscience (see
the symbol of the plumb line) that advances starting from the personal self
and goes through several states of conscience (the models of: I am this or I
am that). This inner ‘advancement’ is in the metaphor of the climbing
of the sacred Mount. It is an ‘ascent’ towards one’s own ‘inner
sky’ (symbolized by the dome) up to ‘touching’ the Ego (impersonal
Initiatory science mentions 7 rays or qualities of energy; psychology acknowledges
7 human types. It all leads to considering the energy of thought as a center
or crossroad of every sense of conscious existence. On the other hand, the superior
conscience (called ‘voice in the silence’) couldn’t be ‘heard’
or ‘understood’ without building an appropriate ‘mental receptor’.
The central junction of the matter, then, is still the mind (Manas). It is an
‘energetic phenomenon’ that must be ‘specialized’ to
make up for higher functions other than those limited to physical sensations
that guide the needs and desires of the physical body.
To avoid dwelling in the subject we’ll refer the discussion on what is
necessary to do in order to advance in the search for Self as a soul; we’ll
only remind you of the mental stages of this recognition. In respect of the
actual ‘language’, we’ll say that the action occurs in a field
of irradiation of conscience (Aura) that contains both the psychic nucleus of
the personal self and the will of the superior Ego. This field includes the
physical part of the ‘ordinary conscience’ and the metaphysical
one of the ‘spiritual conscience’.
The personality of the physical ego (ego-istic) is substantially dualistic,
it is made of the sexual energy of the Libido and of the impulse of primordial
life of Eros (Kundalini or Serpentine Fire, characterized by sex and possession
Note of the Author). These two energies are normally disjointed by Psichè
(the higher Ego) and they are free to move chaotically and impulsively out of
the conscious control of the superior Self. This control must be re-established
through the enlightening ‘inner perpendicular line’ symbolically
called Antahkarana Bridge.
Question: the major Initiation is, so to speak, a sense of
inner illumination or impersonal intelligence, where we start perceiving the ability
to understand the hidden sense of things that before had only an exterior meaning
to us.
Answer: the subject is quite complex but, yes, it is as you say.
This is the result but ‘how to get there’ is just as important. Let’s
get back to the Contact with Self that by itself allows the knowledge by contact,
which we have already mentioned:
‘…Mysteries are not revealed through divulgation or information,
but by the action of certain processes occurring in the disciple’s mind.
These processes allow him to know what is hidden…’
Assaggioli (founder of Psycho-synthesis) describes this contact between two
different similes: “… a form of receptivity, so called because it
presents many analogies with the physical sense of touch or with the feeling
through contact.
It means a relation, a link or alignment with the Self that allows us to be
receptive to its influence, to the spiritual quality we need at that time, which
the Self tries and communicate to us by transmitting the impulse of its intelligence
(Pure Reason).
It must be said that every individual Self derives from a unique universal Self,
an essential and comprehensive Archetypical Idea.
Assaggioli says that the individual Self is the eternal superior Ego that can
be found at the highest levels of the spirit. It is a divine Spark spread from
the big central flame.
It is individual and universal at the same time, it is still, steady and unchangeable;
it is therefore different from the super-consciousness whose content is active,
changeable and dynamic.
The Self is a reality of which we can have a direct and certain consciousness.
The conscious ego (physical personality) is its emanation, a projection that
can become conscious of its presence in several ways. In most cases it’s
impossible to experience it completely but it’s better to know its characteristics
and to accept the experience of its guidance (the Self is therefore the inner
master, note of the Author).
The universal Self is the absolute reality that encloses and expresses the transcendent
universal will; all the trans-personal Selves can be considered ‘points’
inside it (field of the cosmic conscience, note of the Author). Only through
a series of expansions of conscience and by reaching perception states higher
and higher, the being can turn it into a gradual experience.
The most illuminated men and women and the greatest mystics of all times and
countries have proven this possibility.
Question: What’s the difference between soul and superior
Answer: every aspect of the being, the mental, the soul and the
spiritual one, are made of a ternary of the same nature. It is better to repeat
the conventional terms of the matter.
We must remember that the nature of the being is triple. It is a nature that
in its complexity includes a spiritual triad (or ternary), a triad (or ternary)
of the soul and a physical triad. Each of them is a reflection of the higher
triad in the densest dimension. Therefore the spiritual triad or monad is the
reflection of the divine Monad (God), the triad of the soul is the reflection
of the spiritual one and the physical triad is the reflection, or shadow, of
the soul on the material level.
Each triad is made of a ternary of aspects which are: Will, Love-Wisdom and
Intelligent Activity (the holy spirit for Christians).
After these preambles I’ll answer to you. The superior Ego represents
the lower part of the triad of the soul, namely the Ego or transpersonal Self
corresponds to the part where the intelligent activity of the soul is expressed.
The Ego is the part of dynamic conscience that transmits the intelligent impulse
of the soul to the physical levels, which are the ‘most external planes
of conscience’.
Question: Are monad, spirit and Superior Self three synonyms
that indicate the Divine Spark in every individual?
Answer: Monad and spirit are synonyms. The monad is the divine
spark that pervades and animates the living creature.
The monad is the inner God of every conscious being.
Many mystics ‘not introduced to the Mysteries’ have been able, through
the strength of their devotion, to perceive the brightness of their spirit.
They have confused the light-love of their own monad with God, though. They
should have known that ‘God’ is a non-principle. It is said to be
‘undressed’ and unmentionable because inconceivable. It is also
non-manifested and non-manifestable otherwise from infinite God it would turn
into a ‘finite’ aspect.
What some mystics perceived wasn’t God but something quite close. Although
a monad is not God, it is still a Son of God on earth.
In the Genesis it is written: the Sons of God saw the Daughters of man, they
liked them and joined them; the Giants where then born. This story should be
interpreted as: the spiritual monads immersed (with Self sacrifice) in the physical
human forms to give them a mind, viz. to give the physical forms a conscience
that could turn them into ‘living creatures’ useful to the project
of ‘Consecration of the Matter’.
This is the so called ‘Great Work’ and every awoken Initiate is
called to participate to it; he will then become a ‘divine workman’
in conscience.
This is an interpretation that very few like transmitting.
For the rest I’d say that what has been said in the previous answer is
Question: What do you mean by ‘psychic phenomenon’
or ‘psychic event’?
Answer: the question is too concise but if I understand correctly
by psychic phenomenon we mean the mind and its continuous evolution.
On this line we can see how through a phenomenon of continuous modification
instinct becomes reason and the latter can turn into logic. The mind, then,
by expanding its abilities, could reach a level of intelligence considered abstract;
to this we can add empathic (see empathy) and intuitive understanding.
Each of these aspects develops a ‘model of thought’. This is the
psychic event. It is a kind of thought that can’t occur in other mental
dimensions. For example a logical mind analyzes and studies, it doesn’t
only reason; reasoning, in fact, produces events limited by the concrete mind
called ‘the mind that lies’ even to itself.
Question: Does a person keep his conscious individuality
and intelligence after death? I’ve read in a book that this isn’t
true in the field of spiritism. Therefore spiritism doesn’t make any sense.
What’s the truth, then?
Answer: before answering we need to separate spiritual
theurgy, a virtue of the Hierophants, and ceremonial evocation,
which can be carried out by the Initiate in the faint attempts of popular magic
and the phenomena of vulgar psychism.
After this preamble we can try and give an explanation of the phenomenon
of spiritism, which must not be confused with true spirituality.
In the question, although not obvious, the concept of immortality
is implied.
If after the ‘great change’ there is any form of intellective ability
or a status of vigilant conscience, we are considering the immortality of the
personal self.
Is this possible?
If personality has been able to link (the Bridge) with the Ego, the physical
conscience keeps the identification with itself even after the ‘great
change’. On the contrary, if in the physical death personality stays ‘embraced’
to the nucleus of the physical-animal self, the part of conscience used in the
materialization can be considered lost, or more precisely wasted.
The fact that it stays ‘for a while’ in its astral shell doesn’t
matter; its definitive waste is only postponed.
We must specify that the true intelligent identity of the being is the Ego, not
the physical animal self. The true Disciple is the Ego, not the physical personality;
the latter becomes ‘a participant’ of its immateriality only through
the union (Antahkarana Bridge) with the Ego, never by itself.
In other words, it is fair to say that the union with the Ego or Self allows the
personality to be initiated to the ‘mysteries of the soul’.
To think that material personality, conditioned by a lower and slower vibration,
can ‘reach by itself’ the most advanced energetic planes (of high
energetic vibration) is to deny reality; it is also a denial of the need for
a continuous evolutionary motion whose processes guide and correct individual
existence as well (see Karma). To believe this is only another ‘great
illusion’ of the profane world.
Much has been said as far as the ability to be a medium and spiritistic phenomena
are concerned. In Esonet as well a lot of space has been dedicated to them. It
is not the case, then, to go further into what even the less skeptics consider
only an ‘astral phenomenon’ of gross psychism. We can remind you,
though, of a fundamental postulate, the «Similes cum similibus.»
This rule says that the major simile determines an irresistible attraction on
the minor simile. By this principle, it is fair to wonder what kind of simile
can attract the common man who ‘evokes’ an ethereal element.
What kind of spirituality can ever have a simile sharing a plastic physicality?
This is out of question.
In actual fact the people who attend ‘séances’ have been subjugated;
or perhaps they do it for curiosity and as a pastime and they are squeezed by
‘astral parasites’ (energetic vampirism). We can see the sense of
this in modern orgonics and radiesthesia.
This kind of energetic parasitism is more common than we think. It can be communicated
and transmitted and it resists for generations. It is a quiet phenomenon therefore
it is underestimated. Much of the ‘evil’ that afflicts nations originates
from this serious forgetfulness. We can find an example of this in the extremisms
and the bloody doctrines that involve whole generations, leading them to complete
mental dissolution and spiritual inability.
We are not talking about sexual games in ‘black masses’ but bloody
sectarian movements worldwide.
In ‘The letters of the Mahatmas’ Master Koot Hoomi
has defined the reliability of spiritic communication as such:
«It is a good start to let people understand the potentialities of man’s
inner life by exposing them as a scientific problem. For example, since akarsha
(attraction) and prshu (repulsion)
are laws of Nature, there can’t be relationships between pure and impure
souls, between incarnated and disincarnated souls. Therefore, the so-called spiritic
communications are, at first sight, false.»
This must not overshadow the validity of the ‘inner revelation’
that, moved by the soul through the Self, ‘illuminates’ one’s
own physical shadow (the physical self), up to reflect one’s own though.
This is the ‘mystery’ of the incarnation of the soul.
Esonet’s Editorial Staff