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Teosophy: First causes of emotional oscillation
Topic:Question & Answer
Question & Answer

Dear friend, we can add at least two considerations to the things you’ve said. Simple considerations, so we don’t have to face the deep aspect of the subject, which is the (stabilizing) construction of conscious bridges which would make the psychical and emotional structure of the individual less “oscillating”.
We might consider the word itself: oscillation.
The first question might be: given by what and why? We might point out the most generic causes: emotional oscillation between knowledge and imagination; emotional oscillation given by the conflict between emotional and rational level; oscillation between the masculine impulse (left cerebral lobe) and the feminine one (right cerebral lobe).

Oscillations decrease considerably in correspondence of a conscious sphere (conscience of self) called egotistic barycenter, made of impersonal conscience and abstract mind, not influenced by physical-animal attributes.
Here, in the first instance, the link between oscillation and emotiveness appears. It is a stage of the psychical development certainly not very advanced. Emotiveness is a mental construct derived from a conscience still forgetful of self and, therefore, still strongly influenced by carnal physical senses (and sensations), which tend to the natural satisfaction of the impulses of the physical-animal sphere.

The epochal change of a personality happens through the “decision” (esoterically called “the choice or crossroads”) which leads to the re-orientation of relations of “subjection” between mind and emotional status. It will happen when the individual conscience, in full autonomy, will start relying more on superior intellect (see vertical orientation) than on sensation of physical reason that many intellectuals have called, ironically, the mind that lies.
At this point, other types of oscillations, of a vertical kind, will appear. They are caused by the tension perceived between two different “points of view”: the direction of the physical mind (see horizontal orientation) and the direction towards which the egotistic will tends (impersonal conscience); their association is the cause of the detachment at the lowest levels of the personal self.

The subject of psyche (physical mind) and Psychè (mind of the soul) is fascinating and incredibly deep. It is and it has always been subject of the study of great intellectuals, experimenters and initiates and it can’t be dealt with randomly. At least, it shouldn’t be dealt with only through opinions or, even worse, sensations. Otherwise (and I’m not referring to your considerations, to which, indeed, I reply), the subject would fall off into an exclusive chat (I like this, I think this), lacking of true cognitive construction. It would be a conversation based rather on the precariousness of a single opinion.

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