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Question&Answer > Forced chastity and absence of attribute by (4658 reads) | Q: Why is chastity recommended for the spiritual journey, so much so that in the Church it becomes the rule of celibacy?
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Question&Answer > By recognizing you will be recognized by (3675 reads) | Q: It has been said that the rule ‘By recognizing you will be recognized’... ‘must be understood for what it is, not for what we would like to see in it’...and also that ‘in the initiatory field we never choose, but we are always chosen’. These two statements appear to be in contrast...is it possible to tear the veil and let a better understanding come through?
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Question&Answer > Being able to Choose by (3420 reads) | ...from today I feel less lonely, your words encouraged and urged me to continue my journey...I would like to ask you another question: what do you mean by expert guide to point out the ‘goodness’ of our thoughts...or rather, where can we find a suitable person? ...I have just approached esotericism but I have already realized that there are people who don’t even know its true meaning, actual ‘charlatans’ or frauds...and I really wouldn’t like to meet ‘one’ of them....
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Question&Answer > Mind and soul of the initiate by (3274 reads) | ...it doesn’t matter if we use a ruby or a carefully handcrafted red glass; it all depends on the value we give things...
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Question&Answer > Synthesis as an evolutionary instrument by (3051 reads) | ...the humankind is going through a period of involution and a new ‘man’ will rise from the ashes of the old one... ...A great knowledge has been lost in the mists of times... ...the Atlantean race was destined to the development of the Astral body and so on going back to the others... ... our efforts should be aimed at recovery, integration and development rather than regret for an ancient knowledge...
...what should interest us is not the object of knowledge (perhaps the character of the school we belong to)...
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Question&Answer > Importance of the inductive method by (4209 reads) | Q: If I may I would like to ask you a question on one of your writings [...] In your opinion, how much is actually perceived through study, even the most thorough and careful one, if this activity is not completed by interaction and live exchange that somehow determines, by the tone, presence and charisma (not only the meaning of words), the vibrations and perceptions that we can only have in a gathering of people (or souls)? [...] Personally I think that we must work just as thoroughly in order to prevent this from happening, through a ‘school’ of behavioral ethics that teaches us not to fall in the traps of our personality, which, especially at the lowest levels, we carry like a heavy burden…
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Question&Answer > The art of deciding by (3113 reads) | ...with regard to the Initiatory Praxis I wonder, and perhaps here lies my lack of understanding, if it is clear what we need to become; do research and study have a time for verification? Could I plan the goal to reach in little steps?
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Question&Answer > Free men of good report by (3539 reads) | Q: Now, granting the fact that the whole population of the globe has these requirements [they are free men of good report] ...
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Question&Answer > Knowledge to face obstacles by (3365 reads) | Q: Sometimes it happens that some readings, instead of explaining, give a sense of discomfort for the quantity of words used to express one single confuse idea; this doesn’t mitigate the sense of inadequacy in order to progress in the development of one’s own conscience... so much that the ‘light’ seems to remain a dream.
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