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Teosophy: Monad and monadic nucleus
Topic:Eastern Esotericism Reading
Eastern Esotericism Reading«God is the atom of all atoms»; from an old Commentary.

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Monad and monadic nucleus

Question : «.. if in the Path, after having known the Soul as first Master, it is necessary the help of a further Master; there is someone who traveled the Path towards the Monad on his own.»

«God is the atom of all atoms»; from an old Commentary.

Notoriously exoterical traditions don't show any common points. Instead, in order to confirm their diversity they tend to repudiate each other. Therefore, in order to deal with this subject, we must refer to the rules of “Schools” considered reliable by the experience of those who «successfully» made their way on the inner Path. Much is said about it, but very few can recognize the spirit that animates it.

Monad and monadic nucleus

In the absence of a direct relationship (bridge) between physical conscience (personality) and superior conscience (Ego or Self) the neophyte lets an instructor, that is an exterior master guide (educate) him. His task is not to offer notions but to accomplish (reflect) the «functions» of the Ego by guiding, educating and advising. For this reason whoever acts as an exterior master must not interact with the minor Brother as a personality (even if advanced) but he must only reflect what he needs, no more. Without adding to the rules of the teaching any more than his principles, leaving out opinions or foreign ideas. Here is why the true initiatory teaching is called impersonal.

The «building» of the inner bridge (that Westerners call Royal Bridge and Easterners call Antahkarana Bridge ) states the union between physical conscience (the part identified with the attributes of the physical body) and the metaphysical conscience (the part that stayed separated from material senses). By achieving this, the initiate will be able to face the second part of the inner way, still accompanied by the instructor, or physical master. The latter will continue to act as a compass helping the intellectual orientation (mental horizontal level) and also the spiritual re-orientation (mental vertical level). The concomitance between conscious personality and super-conscious (superior Ego and soul) seals such a combination that it will be impossible to distinguish the previous boundaries. The interaction between the activities of the two mental spheres, the physical and the super-conscious ones, doesn't bring the so-called «spiritual fusion» yet, although it constitutes a third mental sphere (abstract and intuitive mental level) superior to the previous one, in which the best attributes of the two parts are summed up. This ability (mental openness) marks the –Threshold- of the major Initiation.

Monad is the Western name (see Pythagoras) that links to the metaphor of the fragment of the Divine Presence (voluntarily) «fallen» in the densest levels of the manifestation (create) in order to revive them through its presence. Monads, always according to the devotional and exoterical languages, are the « Divine Builders » (of physical forms, Daughters of man), or «Son of God» because made of the same substance.

The anthropomorphic God (in the likeness of man) of the exoterical doctrines is called «the Atom of all Atoms» in another terminology. Another definition that, although metaphorical, is closer to the concept of monad as monadic atom (nucleus of «spiritual substance») is: energetic nucleus lacking in material attributes that animates the physical substance, this nuclear energy being the source of every living form.

Old Schools of thought hand down the idea that the monadic atom (the spiritual nucleus) communicates directly with «one's own matter» that is with the «inferior earth» that is one's own physical sub-stance . This is a relation (bridge) not very well known that Easterners call Sutratma (golden bridge, because of the subtle quality of its energy). It is a one way «sensorial bridge» through which the monad can reach its own «shadow in the matter» without this being able to interact and answer, because its polarity is of a negative kind compared to the polarity of the «spiritual» nucleus.

Granted this, if we consider the principles of the «way of descent» of the monad (high frequency vibrating energy) into the densest matter (material substance that is low vibrating energy) we can see the characteristics of what is considered the «Way of Return». In order to clarify everything we should abandon the exoterical vision of – up and down – and replace it with that of – in and out -. This is a habit hard to lose but the whole system of «inter-spaces» means that they are placed one into the other and not one above or under the other.

Therefore the monad, by expanding to the outside, exteriorizes and reflects itself in a substance denser and denser compared to the central one, the substance of the monadic atom.

By departing from the central primary identity the energy of the nucleus gives body to its identity by consolidating an entity called soul. It is so called because «it animates, moves and supports» the life of every material form (body) made of very different substances that support each other in aggregation thanks only to the presence of the soul (see magnetic energy).

All this is in terms of energy but we must not forget that we are dealing with «conscious energy». Indeed, the nucleus of the whole matter is focused around the conscience that, like breathing, expands and then retracts every time through a different way; on the way out it is called Sutratma, on the return it is called Royal Bridge or Antahkarana.

At this point, those who have had the patience to follow this long but necessary dissertation will have already understood that an exterior master can only appeal to the mind of the postulant. Given that he wants it and has the will not to stop at his own mistakes. Unfortunately many aspirants consider these mistakes an «inalienable patrimony» of themselves and their nature (!?).

The usefulness of an external master, therefore, is arranged at the time of the biggest inner blindness. Starting from the support he will be able to give for the intellectual orientation of the pupil, so that he can go from the « reason that is unreasonable » to the logic of an ability of analysis supported by the light of intuition. The latter is not an intermittent faculty anymore, but an intellectual constant due to an active expansion of conscience.

Once the personality (that is the minor initiate) meets, to use another metaphor, the inner master (the superior Ego) the latter won't be the same again and the transformation will soon bring some results which will be proved by facts. Not even now the personality will be on its own. Once left the exterior master it will rely on the guide (light) of the inner master, its own superior Ego. If it wants to advance more accepting all the transformations that this process requires , it will be able to identify in the soul as well, of which personality is only an obscure reflection; at this point, though, it will be able to have its support as well, only if it will embrace its project (see consecration of the matter). Here is how, by support to support, the personality-Ego-soul turns (see sonorous spiral) to «its center» again, to the central nucleus called monad, which everything starts from and everything comes back to, to find the old link with the «sun» from which all the monads have been generated. It is said the Atom of all atoms, that is one of the major nucleus (see chakra) of the Body of God. This magnificent vision also opens an individual conscience to the idea of macrocosm.


Athos A. Altomonte

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