Q: In a recent session I attended, it has been given considerable credit to the idea that curiosity is the spark that drives a person to embark on the masonic journey. After careful consideration I completely disagree with this concept. I think curiosity is rather a consequence of much deeper factors than the prime cause.
A: Indeed, the tension of the Ego is expressed by a form of “magnetic attraction” that results in the attention of the personal self, of the individual.
The inexperienced man or the layman can confuse it with curiosity.
Therefore the purpose of the Initiate is to divulge the psychic characteristics, viz. the energetic differences, so that the Student can distinguish between two kinds of tension (we already mentioned it in the article Curiosity and magnetic attraction).
The former, curiosity, is extroflected and goes towards the desired object, remaining in front of it and generating:
a) cult (physical plane – 1st level);
b) devotion (emotional plane – 2nd level);
c) admiration (intellectual plane – 3rd level).
These three elements can generate emulation but only on the plane that belongs to it. Therefore we can have physical (sensual), emotional (passionate) or intellectual (creative) emulation.
Attraction, on the contrary, represents another kind of tension: a conscience of magnetic kind (feminine pole) that “attracts and assimilates in itself” the model, eventually becoming similar to it.
Q: But which are the motives that lead to choose the journey of Freemasonry first and then stay on it or leave it?
A: We must not forget that usually when a profane enters Freemasonry he doesn’t really know what he will find.
If things go as they are supposed to, the new initiate will experience certain conditions from which he will get considerable advantages, more and more as he progresses in the journey.
At first he will notice the most “exterior” and profane positive aspects of finding himself with other masons to share his ideals with; he will feel very comfortable in an environment that is quite different from the hectic and depersonalizing profane life.
First of all he will feel free to express concepts and feelings that in his profane life he is only allowed to share with a few close friends. He will feel that he is not being judged for his ideas; indeed, he is pushed to analyze them through the supportive contribution of the whole Lodge.
It is then created a status of “emotional complicity” that produces a real sense of liberation. In other words, he finally feels at home. He appreciates the fact that he is accepted for what he really is, without having to demonstrate that he is up to his task.
Faults are freely expressed, positive that with inner work they will become virtues. This happens without fear for envy or prejudices of the “outer world”, but knowing that he can rely on the help of his travel companions.
Progressing in the journey, the neophyte discovers the concrete possibility of an intellectual and even spiritual growth.
He first learns to use the “Compass of reason”, and by connecting a complex network of concepts, he learns to build consistent and valuable “intellectual buildings”.
This is the Art of the Builder.
Progressing towards his new status of initiate he discovers the inner meaning hidden in symbols and ritual words.
This is how the mind opens up and widens the legs of one’s own “Compass”. It learns to “divide the veil” of ancient teachings covered with myths and allegories.
At this point the postulant “makes his choice”. This is the initiatory fork.
Those “who lost the path” go left. On the contrary, on the right the adept starts experiencing on himself the teachings received. He makes them “alive” because they live in him and they are manifested through him, through his decisions and words.
At this point there is the strengthening of the contact with the “living symbol” placed on the throne of the Venerable Master and that only the true initiate “recognizes” because he can see it deep inside Himself.
In short this is the description of the process of identification that proceeds through the occult meaning of the highest Symbol of Initiation: the Eye inscribed in the Equilateral Triangle which, like ancient Rituals state, is the instrument of “True Light”.
The inner (mental) vision allows to “recognize” any quality of energy through one’s own vibrations of conscience (tones, semitones and octaves) unknown until then, because unheeded by a conscience reaching outside the senses.
“...the rest will be known when it will be experienced”.