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Use_of_languages: The Beauty in the eyes
Topic:Art & Esotericism
Art & EsotericismAn objective truth or reality (Kant’s ding an sich) is based on three requirements: Fairness, Beauty and Harmony. The architectonics of the Idea originates from this One but Trine order. And only the Idea expresses the rest.

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The Beauty in the eyes

by Athos A. Altomonte

© copyright by Esonet.it - Esonet.com

Sharing a principle makes me happy, but, after all, it couldn't be otherwise for three reasons.

An objective truth or reality (Kant's ding an sich) is based on three requirements: Fairness, Beauty and Harmony. The architectonics of the Idea originates from this One but Trine order. Only the Idea expresses the rest.

For a formal reality to keep its objective ability, it must appear through a suitable structure that doesn't affect its meaning, in itself. Therefore I think that it is necessary for the parameters of representation (literal or figurative) to respect those of substance.

The harmony that the artist can put into the form that he ‘architects' (but I would extend this concept to any thinker) in order to express a meaning (idea-feeling) is its masterpiece. If the Form respects the nature of the Idea, the work will be fair and perfect, as well as beautiful and harmonious.

Harmony, though, can't be only in the heart of the thinker but also in the eyes of the people who looks and therefore recognizes. We are back to the axiom: by recognizing you will be recognized!

This is what I consider the magnificent transfer. That is the ability to "perceive" the Idea (intuitive intelligence), to cover it with a "fair and perfect" form (creative intelligence) and to pour it to the outside (artistic ability) through a representation (the work).

When the Idea is seen (the work) through its intermediary (the thinker) by the observer and the latter owns the abilities to recognize its "tones" (emotional geometric quality), it is not the thinker acting any more, but the Idea itself precipitates in the "Aura" of the observer (cardiac center) giving it a feeling of "momentary paralysis". This magnificent transfer occurs when the observer has at the same time both ability and sensitivity and he reaches the sensations that are "sublimated" by sound-color-thought. Up to a point it reminds us of the title: the torment and the ecstasy, viz. passion and torment of the "creative generation". In my opinion, it can sometimes be bigger than the physical gestation of a mother.

I conclude with a final thought. People who don't recognize the principles of painting shouldn't delude themselves that they can effectively tran-scribe on paper an idea or a feeling, because their tran-scription will always be a-tonal.

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