Old Commentaries often use metaphors of animals to express particular abilities.
The Lion is an example; it is used to symbolize the boldness
and the fighting courage.
Some Masters have veiled important teachings in
images using animals such as the Elephant, big and small, the Tortoise,
the Eagle, the Seagull, the Gazelle, etc.
In this tradition the image of the Salmon indicates the man who ‘searches’;
like the others, it veils the sense of the initiatory postulate.
The salmon is a fish that like the adept, ‘searches by going up’,
courageously facing the difficulties of a journey (Water element) that seems
against all logic.
The adept as well faces a countercurrent journey; he rejects the outside in
search of the inside. He will only come out to offer himself for an altruistic
service. The inner way is considered nonsense and condemned to disbelief in
the common view.
In the action of this animal we can see many analogies with the strong-willed
adaptability of the man who ‘dares’ going to the Threshold of Initiation.
The researcher should reflect on the meanings of the text and draw its esoterical
sense. This exercise is made easier by the fact that an exclamation mark is
placed next to each key word.
In old Commentaries all symbolical words were spread among others of a discursive
The person who could recognize them was able to extract them from the literal
context and use them as ‘seed-thoughts’. This kind of ‘initiatory
transmission’ still occurs today.
The seed-thoughts are words or images that develop their
meanings through meditation and their visualization makes them alive; this is
true knowledge.
The transmission of the initiatory knowledge originates the ‘vivifying
thoughts’ that open the mind of the physical conscience on the most complex
and deep aspects of the initiatory way. Otherwise these meanings appear mute
to the eyes of the people who are not introduced to the mysteries.
The Way of the Salmon
«The salmon swims in the impetuous (!) water in reverse (!) trying to
re-ascend it (!).
With sudden (!) wriggles it tries to cross the rapids (!) to reach the goal
A place where the water has become placid and peaceful (!) to die (in an initiatory
Many people start but many give up (!) or get lost (!) or are eaten up(!)
Wasting, therefore, the sense of their life.
It is not important that the Salmon swims elegantly (!) or straight (!).
The main thing is that even when it’s still (!) it keeps its face turned
to the front, countercurrent (!).
Steady, strong and absolutely determined (!).
The current is strong (!), the water is deceitful (!) and the dangers are waiting
on each side, both the right and the left side (!).
Eventually, through the generation, the sacrifice of self (!) awaits.»
This is the way of the Salmon; there aren’t any other rules and the existing
ones can’t be changed.
The Salmon must concentrate all its strength in the re-ascent; no strength,
though, will be as important as the will (!) to survive the trials (!).
The way of the Salmon is steep and short.
It is useful but not necessary.
Who is afraid for himself should take the large way and use another animal as
his living symbol.»
Esonet’s Editorial Staff