Category:Question & Answer

Decline of Masonic colonialism
by Athos A. Altomonte
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Subject: Minnesota Great Lodge recognizes French Grand Lodge

Openly speaking, this first sign isn’t surprising, if seen from a hierarchic point of view.
A “political split” between U.S. rites and the Grand Lodge of England has begun since a long time. More and more American brothers don’t accept to be considered as “second” by a “higher” English Obedience. This one claims to own a sort of historical Masonic copyright, so it’s firmly convinced to give out priorities, pre-emptions and regularity licences.

Anyway, beginning with its initiatory heritage, it can be helpful to see how none of the Symbols “used” by Freemasonry is English. They’re all of Jewish origin.
So if we consider this prevalence and try to award some kind of “Masonic supremacy”, it will go to Hebraic people and not to English thieving neo-colonialism.
For the English people colonialism is a hard-to-drop tendency.
So the big news was in the air since at least three years. Something’s really changing about priorities. This is not surprising or regrettable. On the contrary it could be good for all bombastic English brothers if their “nationalist spirit” would be reduced at last.


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Question: “Dear Athos, I share all you wrote, except one thing: Masonic symbolism comes not only from Hebraic knowledge, but also from the Egyptian one…”

Answer: I agree, absolutely. I was sure it was granted. This is a “well known story” among masons, but it’s worth to repeat it.
There isn’t any proof supporting the legend that says Moses was a Beni-Israel.
Moses means “saved from waters”, but in initiatory Language this definition simply means: Initiate.

According to what the Secret Doctrine handed on, an initiation took place by gradually introducing the Neophyte (probative process and acceptance) to an “ancient wisdom” that came “from beyond waters”.
So every Initiate survived spiritual materialization, thanks to the “communication” of secrets that came “from waters”. That’s the practice we use to know.
The “waters” where “salvation came” from (knowledge of spiritual sun, see: solar plexus) are those of the Deluge. It’s an event that is mentioned in every tradition, even the most distant ones, like Toltec’s and Aztec’s.
To show the facts in their true light, another story comes to be likely. It tells that Moses (whose initiatory name we know, but we don’t know his ordinary one) was the fruit of an illegitimate affair between the Pharaoh’s sister and the chief of her security guards.
This could explain why the Pharaoh accepted “Moses”.

The Pharaoh had an only male child. To preserve his regular succession, he therefore appointed his first son (Moses’ cousin) chief of the army (then future Pharaoh), while initiating Moses to sacerdotal career. This religious path couldn’t open to royal power hierarchies.
But Moses met Jethro, Main Priest of Osiris’ Temple, and married his daughter. With the help of his father-in-law, he began to be promoted inside “Sacerdotal Class”. He became Intendant, then Great Architect of many buildings, including the Pyramid that would have been the Pharaoh’s tomb. Gleaming between the lines of the “lay story” there’s a rivalry between Moses, son of the Pharaoh’s sister, and the Pharaoh’s first son. It ended up with a deadly clash.
Moses couldn’t surpass his rival, so he preferred to create a “people of his own”. He dragged a bunch of slaves (not exceeding at the beginning 6/800 persons of different ages) for 40 years through the desert dunes, following always the same circular path of about 400 Km.

Many of them realized the situation, then Moses made them die.
Many of them didn’t want to accept his dogmas, then Moses made them die.
Many of them tried to go back, then Moses made them die.

It’s very unlikely that he was sent by God, not so much because of his unspiritual behaviour (at the beginning of his history he ran away after a murder), but because every sign, symbol or initiatory knowledge he expressed simply came from current cultures. Let’s take for instance the “flaming (acacia) bush” that burned endlessly. It’s hard to ignore how this “burning bush” is similar to the endless sun, symbol of Osiris’ Mysteries, or to the recent Blazing Star, a Masonic memory of the highest and unknown initiation.
Moses went up to the top of a mount, where he took 40 days to carve three tables of Laws (he broke one while descending, and no one will ever know what was carved on it!). They’re a clear remake of the canons that were created by the Chaldeans (see the laws carved on the Rosetta Stone) and accepted by the Egyptians, too.
Moses was the creator of a God that was probably so reflecting his terrible, revengeful and bloody nature, to let him become God of Armies. So, even going down the mountain, Moses sentenced to death all the first sons of each tribe. Was such a genocide made for the Common Good? It’s hard to believe. What’s for sure is that the whole Moses’ path is studded with massacres.
Much has been written about this mythical figure. Not all is true, not all is sure, as for every symbolic figure. But what clearly appears from the “dilations” of the myth is a so powerful decision to come out in a sin of pride. That’s probably the real Moses’ sin.

A man who wasn’t able to be a king.

This article comes from Esotericism Readings

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